5 Reasons Why Strength Training is Necessary for Swimmers

June 10, 2024

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With a sport like swimming taking place in the water, sometimes strength training can get overlooked. Here are five reasons why swimmers should make strength training a part of their training regimen, especially for younger athletes.

1. Improved swimming performance: Strength training can improve a swimmer’s power and speed, as well as their stroke technique, which can lead to faster times in the pool.

2. Injury prevention: Strength training can help prevent common swimming-related injuries and pain such as in the shoulder, neck, or lower back.

3. Increased muscle mass: Swimmers often have a lean build, and strength training can help increase muscle mass, which can improve strength and power in the water.

3. Improved core strength: A strong core is essential for swimmers to maintain proper form and technique. Training your core in a variety of different planes is important as well to mimic the demands and requirements of the sport. This means you must do more than just crunches.

4. Improved muscular endurance: Swimmers need to maintain their stroke technique and power for extended periods. Strength training specific for swimmers can improve their overall muscular endurance.

While strength training is an important component of a swimmer’s training regimen, it must also be specific to the individual and their goals. If you are a swimmer and would like to take your performance to the next level and prevent injury, our team of experienced physical therapists is here to help. Contact us now to get started on your journey to better health and pain-free living.
