
March 28, 2023

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Benefits of Preventative Physical Therapy

Benefits of Preventative Physical Therapy

We’ve all been guilty of ignoring a small injury or minor aches and pains because we think “it’ll go away,” or “it will get better on its own." In some cases, that is true, but in other cases, not addressing an injury when it first starts bothering you can cause it to...

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5 Reasons Why Strength Training is Necessary for Swimmers

5 Reasons Why Strength Training is Necessary for Swimmers

With a sport like swimming taking place in the water, sometimes strength training can get overlooked. Here are five reasons why swimmers should make strength training a part of their training regimen, especially for younger athletes. 1. Improved swimming performance:...

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3 Reasons You Should Seek Out Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

3 Reasons You Should Seek Out Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

1. You are experiencing any kind of urinary leakage Yes, after having kids and as you get older urinary leakage can be very common; however, that doesn’t make it something that you should have to live with for the rest of your life. If you have been told before, “Just...

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