Return to Running Postpartum

December 22, 2022

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One of the biggest questions on many new mothers’ minds after they give birth is, “When can I get back to exercising?” and most commonly, “When can I get back to running?” Women experience a multitude of physical and emotional changes after giving birth to their children. Exercise can be a beneficial way to help regulate some of these changes. However, it is important that new mothers understand how they can return to exercise postpartum while ensuring their safety.

A recent set of guidelines published by Gráinne Donnelly and colleagues provides a framework for a return to running postpartum. Below are some key points.

Key points from the study:

  • Postpartum women should wait at least 12 weeks before returning to running.
  • New mothers should slowly progress in activity to prepare for their return to running.
  • Running during pregnancy is a positive predictor for a return to running postpartum.
  • If new mothers feel a sense of heaviness in their vagina, they must have it treated before their return to running.
  • Mothers should remain as active as they can during pregnancy and postpartum while addressing any pelvic floor dysfunction.

Giving birth can take a toll on a mother’s body, and it may take a while for your pelvic floor to recover. If you need help strengthening your pelvic floor postpartum, Purpose PT offers physical therapy that specifically addresses pelvic floor issues. To learn more about our services, contact us at Purpose PT for your consultation.
